Actually... we just do indoor activities today.... me... sleeping... the kids... playing MASAK-MASAK... and my hubby... do some touch-up of the living room...
my renovation... still in progression... due to rainy day... the contractor cannot paint the gates... so... hopefully... tomorrow will be sunny day.... so the contractor can finish up their works.... huahuahuahuahuhua :D
ewah..ewahh...rajin erk..
rajin nya cik abe sadi!!
lovelyzz... bukan setakat rajin... dah mintak tolong sesangat... baruu laa nak touch cat dinding ni...
rerama salju.... hehehhehehe... sadi lagi rajin tau... rajin menyuruh... huahauhuahauhuahua :p
wah.. rajinnya... heh..heh..heh.. sib baik rainy kan.. klu tak.. lain plak aktivitinya
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