This evening I started drafting for the 3 question… the questions so simple… but too many issues to discuss.. especially the development of the understanding by the court to interpret the issues…
Here… the last questions for the assignment…
Explain the concept of “establishing a prima facie” case in a summary trial.
Hahahhahaahha… I’m lost… how to explain with the arguments from different opinion of the judges…. Hmmmmm… I just try to attempt the question the best that I can….
Orait.. let me continue my story…. FOOD… my menu for today
Red Hot Crabs with Mixed Vegetables…

Black Oyster Source Crabs with Mixed Vegetables… special for Diyana… :D



Corn Juice….

Waaaahhhh… It make me smile… my hubby eat a lot… huahuahauhaua… yum..yummm..yummmm…DELICIOUS….

air jagung tu menggoda... hehehehe
yerla..air jagung tu yang tak tahan tengok tuh...
homemade air jagung mmg sedap.... terasa seperti dari ladang jagung... freshhhh... cuba laa buat sendiri.. pasti nak lagi.. huahuahauhuahauhau....
Yummmy... crab tu... Air jagung pun sodappp..
shabaneeny... mmg sedap... nak buat kerja pun tak boleh... pasal kenyang sangat... hehehehhehehhe...
papaya itewwww..owhhhhh..tidak tahan sekali melihatnyerrrrrrrrrr
hehehe... mmg sedap mkn buah betik.... baik utk kesihatan.... huhuhuhu....
mmg la ur hubby mkn dgn seleranye...
ada ketam masak cedap....huhu...
wah..utk diyana special yaa...
non spicy... hehe
itu laa... kalau nak masak kena ada yang spicy and non-spicy... kesian pulak budak2 nak makan pedas... nanti kenyang air jee... bukannya kenyang makan... huhuahuahuahuahua
wah..bestnya ada ketam ler.. patut pun hsbn sadi mkn byk..
wah..bestnya ada ketam ler.. patut pun hsbn sadi mkn byk..
hehehehe... itu pun susah nak cari ketam... bukan musim dia... anyway... bila dah dapat tuuu... mmg sadi masak dgn penuh bersemangat... huahauahhaua... masak ikut suka... menu sendiri... huahuahauhauhauah... :D DELICIOUS!!!!
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