Later... that evening...we went back to my hubby’s hometown… Sungai Besar… right after my class… my hubby fetch me… I’m so tired… uwaaaaaa…. Really tired….
So… my story begin… 4.15pm… the journey begins… huahuahuahuahua
We were arrived Sungai Besar around 6.00pm….

We bought breaking fast menu…

The menu…

Nasi Goreng Paprik

Mee Soup

Chicken Rice

My mother in law cooked simple menu…. Delicious….
After meals... my kids play fireworks with Pak Su.... so happy... It's already 20 days of fasting... 10 days more to go...

Around 8.45pm… My hubby and I went to the town… SHOPPPING…
My hubby bought jeans and shirts…

Me… bought some stuffs…

We also bought some cookies, nuts, chips and many more… ooo… no photo laaa.. too busy for shopping..
We went back around 11.00pm…. so tired… so happy… huahuahuahuahuahuahua…:D
shopping sakan nampak
huahuahua... shop till u drop... huahuahuahua...
sg besar kg abah n mak kita. skolah dulu pun kat situ gaks. sejak atuk n nenek dah xder, lama dah tak balik, raya nnt kot blik umah pakcik
pulang laaaaaa(ikut rentak AISYAH... bukan MISHA OMAR),,,, huahuahuahuahuua
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