1) I have to redo my CHAPTER 2
2) I have to draft my CHAPTER 3
3) I have to draft my CHAPTER 4
And ALL the task must be submit on WEDNESDAY… I’m not AMOEBA that can divide myself to do multi-task in one time…. Wwwwwaaaaaahhhh……
Later… my group had discussion for my Chapter 2… still a lot of things to be amends… haaaaahhhhhh…. So tired… thanks GOD…. I’ve already do my SHOPPING… if NOT… I’m really in a BIG TROUBLE… RAYA is just around the corner… 29 SEPTEMBER... we will see the moon… huahuahuahuahuahua…
After my discussion… it’s already 6.10pm… luckily we did the discussion at my house… so I have time to cook… HOWEVER… my hubby requests me to cook SIAKAP STEAM… I don’t have any steamer… so I had to use my rice cooker to steam the fish… I’ve cooked rice first… then the fish… haaaaaaa…. So KELAM KABUT… ohhh my dear… my hubby so MANJA… the fish cooked after AZAN… so we had our meal quite late… huahuahuahuahuahua… :D
My Menu For Today...
Siakap Steam... huahuahuahuahua..

Kangkung masak Kampung...

Roti Jala



Air Bandung...

Alhamdullilah... huahuahuahua...
lorrrrr, banyaknyer keje kan...perlu settle habis2an b4 raya nih...
buat slow2 yer..harap dapat settle sampai berjaya..good luck..jaga diri.
chaiyok2 akak...
saya menyokong dari belakang nehh..
cendawanintim... haaa... itu laaa... rasa macam nak pengsan buat kerja ni... tapi masa utk BLOG tetap ada... huahuahuahuahua:D
sirebenmerah... thank you for the support!!!! mmmuuuaaahhh... huahuahahauhau
dalam sibuk tu...boleh lagi menyetim ikan....pastu update blog.
BLOG ni laaa jadi penawar hati yang sedang duka... juga menjadi madu pabila suka... huahuahuahua... bermadah laa pulakk... ini laa cara sadi menghilangkan stress di kepala niii... huahuahuahuahua... )
Sedapnye bengkang tu...
shiannn dia...
All the best to you ya!
Good Luck! Jangan tensen udah le..
semua yg sadi sajikan sedap je mata memandang..rasa harus la kan.. lagi sedap
byk kan kena settlekan.. same ler kita..semua kena settleka before cuti raya ni...hhuuu..hhhuuu..
hi kak..
sori ye nyibuk kat blog akak..
yg pasal siakap steam tu kan..
sy pun xde steamer gak..sy kukus pakai kuali je..letak dlm dulang with all the ingredients..pastu kukus conventional style..haah...dah siap
biasanya kat bwh kuali tu sy letak piring kecik yg x mudah pecah..then letak air
it's just my 10cents tipsss
adus sadi...
go sadi go!
u can do it! raye around d corner...
otak dah mlayang2...huhu...
ntah2 mind tu dah smpi kampung gamaknye..hik2...
shahbeeney... mmg sedap... cubalaaah rasa... :)
reramasalju... terima kasih.... huahuahuauauhuahua...
arine... itu laa tengah control stress tahap GABAN dah niiii... huahuahuahua...
iv... kalau tengah stress, kena makan makanan yang sedap... supaya kurang rasa stress... huahuahuahua
cutemiut78... itulaaah... asal nak cuti jeee... saje je diorg ni kasi byk kerja... jeles kita nak cuti raya niii... huahuahuahua...
sheila.. thanks for the tips... surely I will remember the tips.. huahuahuahua...
miszrilina... itu laa.. tengah strugle gila nak siapkan semua tuuu... huahuahuahuahua...
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