So my class has been postponed… my group decided to do the discussion at my house… so… BACK TO ROUTINE… no time for fun… we have to FINALIZED the RESEARCH by END OF THIS MONTH!!!!!! …. PLUS… I still have ONE EXAM PAPER… roughly… 2 to 3 weeks is FINAL EXAM…. And my notes is not ready YET…uuuuwwwwwwaaaaaa….I WANT TO GRADUATE… I DON’T WANT TO EXTEND … I PRAY FOR FLYING COLURS FOR THE FINAL SEMESTER… huahuahuahuahuahuahua…
The EVIDENCE…. Focus… Focus… Focus…


FOOD.... HUNGRY... AYAMAS.... huahuahuahuhau

thanks for the nice food...
no big deal... hubby bayar... huahuahuahuahuahua...
tu ngadap kelija or ngadap blog tu..hiks!
ni tengah tepu niii.... dah tak boleh pikir... apa lagi...blogging laaaa.... huahuahuahuahua
gud luck yer yang... jgn malas2... ekekek... slamat berhari raya dgn buku...(pergh...mesti tensen gile nih) sabo ajelah...
itu laaaa... tau takpe... uuuuwwwaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!
salam sadi...
pe khabar...
wah..fokus...depan tv yer...hik2..
best tu cont studi...
i pon nak meng'apply smula la..huhu
huahuahuahua.... TV tuuu mesti ada..... huahuahauhauhau
slamat hari raya sadi.. tu focus tang mana tu.. tv ke keja..
i baru masuk office hari nie...mmg malas tul nak wat keje...:(
tgh fokus tang mana?
tv? assignment? blog? atau kamera :)
sedap nasi ayam :)
good luck for ur study yer..
hope grad on time n jd best student gtu!
so yummy la nasi ayam tuhh!!
terasa lapar la plak!!
cutemiut78... focus... both... huahuahuahuahau....
busyuksayang... betullaaaa... malas nak buat keje... huahuahuahua...
ummibatrisya... multi tasking laaa.... semua buat dalam satu masa... huahuahuahuahua
ibuafiqah... thank you... ni nak study laaa niiii.... sambil BLOGGING... huahuahuahua
Good for people to know.
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