N3 kali ni just copy dari email yang sadi dapat dari kawan sadi.... rasanya baik utk dishare dengan semua bloggers.... semoga menjadi peringatan untuk kita demi menjaga keselamatan harta benda kita...
Most of the time I lock my car on the door lock from the insidewhen I exit the car. Little did I know that that is the best way to lock your car.
I personally checked with the local police and they confirmed that this was! happening.My friend pulled over at the roadside reststop with bathrooms, vending machines, etc. He returned to his car less than 4-5 minutes later and found someone had gotten into his car, and stoled his cell phone, laptop computer, GPS navigator, briefcase.....you name it.
He called the police and since there were no signs of his car being broken into. The police informed him that there is a device which clones the security code when you use your remote transmitter.
The robbers are now using this. They sit a distance away and watch for their next victim. You. Since they know you are entering the store, restaurant, or bathroom, it gives them those few minutes to steal and run.
The police officer said to be sure to manually lock your car door by hitting the lock button inside the car. When you hit the lock button on your car upon exiting...it does not! send th e-security code, but if you walk away and use the door lock on your key chain- it sends the code thru the airwaves where it can be stolen.
I just wanted to share about this; this is real...it just happened this past Thursday. So be aware...look how many times we all lock our doors with our keys (transmitters)...just to be sure we remembered to lock them....and bingo the guys have our code...and whatever was in the car...can be gone. Keep safe everyone !
Moral of the story: zaman makin canggih... cara pencuri pun makin canggih... semoga kita dapat lebih berhati-hati agar harta benda kita tidak hilang dicuri...
zaman skang ni..org makin pandai dlm bidang buat jahat ni..hiks..mintakla Tuhan balas secepat mungkin...mati terbakar ke..accident ke...naper la manusia berakal suke cari jalan singkat tuk hidup?
org skang belajr tinggi2 utk buat benda2 cam ni..sebab tu pencuri2 tu expert je..wak!!! betul ker??
tak di nafikan skang punya zaman mmg canggih.....sesape pun lah kan.. :)
ish mcm2 yer sekarang...takut pulak saya..zaman berubah...dunia dh maju
eila... itu laa pasal... dah ada otak cerdik... pergi mencuri laa pulak... susah betul laaa....
nurmala...iyeeee... ni kes betul laa ni... kalau tak betul... takkan sadi publishkan... so... remember... their eyes are looking for opportunity... react before its too late... :)
naza... itu laa pasal... rasa tak selamat pulak nak tinggalkan kereta walaupun kat tempat orang ramai... hmmmmm....
aju... ha ah... semoga Allah balas perbuatan orang jahat ni... sekali member sendiri curik kereta dia... baru padan muka dia... huahuahuahuauhua :D
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