Selamat Hari Raya!!!!!!!!!!!
My neighbour gave us cake... :D so nice...

So busy… forgot to snap photos…. I’ve cooked Laksa, Nasi Impit and Kuah Kacang for my family…. Kak Kam cooked Ketupat and Rendang… Kak Hanim prepared Nasi Goreng and Sambal Udang, and Kak Rozi cooked Mee Goreng…. Huahauhuahuahau…. We gathered at my mum’s house… around 12.00 noon… we visited my late father grave… AL-FATIHAH for my father…
Then… around 3.00pm… my family start our journey to Sungai Besar… BALIK KAMPUNG…. :)
ktrg pun balik sg besar on the 1st raya hehehe.... :p
iye keee... huahauhuaha... rugi tak jumpa kat sana... :D
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